Sunday, December 29, 2019

Literature Review - How to Do It - 1653 Words

Writing A Literature Review and Using a Synthesis Matrix My professor says I have to write a literature review, what do I do? Well, to begin, you have to know that when writing a literature review, the goal of the researcher is to determine the current state of knowledge about a particular topic by asking, â€Å"What do we know or not know about this issue?† In conducting this type of research, it is imperative to examine several different sources to determine where the knowledge overlaps and where it falls short. A literature review requires a synthesis of different subtopics to come to a greater understanding of the state of knowledge on a larger issue. It works very much like a jigsaw puzzle. The individual pieces (arguments) must be put†¦show more content†¦116) - WASP created opportunities for women that had never previously existed (p. 112) - Women’s success at flying aircrafts â€Å"marked a pivotal step towards breaking the existing gender barrier† (p. 112) - â€Å"From the outset male pilots resented women’s presence in a traditionally male military setting† (p. 1113-4) - â€Å"The WASP were routinely assigned inferior planes that were later found to have been improperly maintained† (p. 114) - discrimination against WASP at every level of military service, women were only paid 2/3 of what men were for doing identical tasks (p. 114) Stewart - WAAC (Women’s Army Auxiliary Corp) was 1st chance for women to serve in army, given full army status in 1943 as WAC (p. 28) - Needs of the war were so great that women’s traditional social roles were ignored (p. 30) - Military women paid well for the time period and given benefits if they became pregnant (p. 32) - The 1940’s brought more opportunities to women than ever before (p. 26) Bruley -Women given equal opportunities (p. 223) - Women joined workforce as a break from the ordinary to help the war (p. 220) - Unconscious decision to cross into male-dominated roles (p. 221) - Seized these new oppor tunities to bring about change (p. 230) Scott - Women born in the 1920’s found new doors open to them where they once would have encountered brick walls (p. 526) -Even women not directly involved in the war were changing mentally by being challenged toShow MoreRelatedliterature review1550 Words   |  7 PagesWriting a Literature Review A literature review†¦ †¢ Provides an overview and a critical evaluation of a body of literature relating to a research topic or a research problem. †¢ Analyzes a body of literature in order to classify it by themes or categories, rather than simply discussing individual works one after another. †¢ Presents the research and ideas of the field rather than each individual work or author by itself. 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Because youre likely to find out that just about any worthwhile idea you will have has been thought of before, at least to some degree. I frequently have students who come to me complaining that they couldnt find anything in the literature that was related to their topic. And virtually every time they have said that, IRead MoreHrd Audit Literature Review683 Words   |  3 PagesLiterature Review If you believe everything you read, better not read. (Japanese Proverb) [pic] What is a literature review? A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic in the past. Its purpose is to inform the reader what has been established about a topic and what the strengths and weaknesses are. A literature review must be defined by a guiding concept and should not be a list of all the material that you can find (Porter, S. 2008, p.49). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Is The American Dream Just A Myth Essay - 2210 Words

Ssc caArmin Moridi Professor Lacher English 101 17 November 2016 Is the American Dream Just a Myth? Over the years this belief has changed its meaning to describe the United States as a land of equal opportunities. Through the American Dream, all men are equal to pursue their dreams and opportunities through hard work by being presented with an equal opportunity. This belief, therefore, means that if Americans work hard to achieve what they want, then they can get it. However, in the past few decades, the American Dream has grown to become a myth since American citizens are not presented with equal opportunities in this regard. In the documentary ‘requiem for the American dream, -by Noam Chomsky, the narrator presents reasons why the American Dream is far from being attained, by describing ten principles why the American dream has not been attained so far. I am in complete agreement with Chomsky that the American dream has not been achieved. Noam presents issues that each citizen should think about critically. Wealth and power in the United States have been concentrated to a few people leaving the rest with lesser opportunities to achieve their dreams. As a result, there has been a growing inequality between the wealthy and the rest of the population. The American Dream is a myth because of the inequalities viewed in wealth distribution caused by huge gap in wages, the kind of leadership elected into office, and the structure of the US economy. The thought ofShow MoreRelatedMoney And Success : The Myth Of Individual Opportunity By Gary Colombo Essay1661 Words   |  7 Pagesstruggle to get their dream job and live an American dream but due to the fact that everyone is applying to the exact same job they cannot accomplish the dream they have always dreamt of. This means that there is plenty of competition between people chasing the same dream. In â€Å"Money and Success: The Myth of Individual Opportunity† Gary Colombo discusses how many people live in the myth of an American dream. People assume the American Dream will make them happy by having the dream job and being likeRead MoreMyth of Money and Success Essay1254 Words   |  6 PagesOctober 2011 The Myth of Money and Success The American Dream is different for everyone, though it is most commonly associated with success, freedom, and happiness. The concept of the American Dream seems to have dwindled from where it was in the past few generations. It has gone from success, freedom, and happiness to having lots of money and the nicest possessions. In today’s society, we all hope and strive for this dream, but how many actually achieve the American Dream? Is it a reasonableRead MoreEssay : Affecting The American Dream1061 Words   |  5 PagesAffecting the â€Å"American Dream† America still to this day holds on to the idea of the â€Å"American Dream†. This is rather surprising in today’s society and the ups and downs that the nation is facing. The dream in the past was more about freedom and equality. Moving through the decades, this dream has morphed into something quite different. Instead of what America means for all of its inhabitants, the nation has become more individualized. Society has moved to interpret the dream of what AmericaRead MoreThe Myth of the American Dream Exposed in Death of a Salesman1218 Words   |  5 Pagestotalitarianism and the American Dream. Throughout the piece, Miller uses his voice of conscience and passion for the purpose of exposing the truth about the concepts. Using the perspective of Willy, a fictional, working class citizen, Miller picks apart the myth of the American Dream, exploring topics such as abandonment, betrayal, family dynamics, and using interesting symbolism along the way. With reckless abandon, Willy believes in the idea of the American Dream. In fact, thats a bitRead MoreIs Gender The Same Element As Sex? Essay1323 Words   |  6 PagesCultural Myths about Gender and Sex. Gary Colombo, who wrote: â€Å"Thinking Critically, Challenging Cultural Myths† who explains that a cultural myth is a shared set of customs, values, ideas, and beliefs, as well as a common language. In â€Å"Sisterhood is Complicated† by Ruth Padawer who is a contributing writer at The New York Times Magazine, focusing on gender and social issues in â€Å"Sisterhood is Complicated† she shows various of the Stereotypes about Gender and Sex and how they are unmistakably just culturalRead MoreJoseph Campbell: The Power of Myth1469 Words   |  6 PagesRitchey Literature and Composition 21 February 2013 Harkness Questions: The Power of Myth Chapters 1-3 1. Myth reveals spiritual truth about the world. Why read myths? You need myths to find your truth. You have elaborate myths to compare to everyday experiences and to other myths. â€Å"Myths give a meaning to life (Campbell, 5). Mythology is a collection of stories based on one’s knowledge and stories of experience. Myths are clues to life meaning. They are clues to â€Å"spiritual potentialities† or yourRead MoreThe Importance Of The American Dream1732 Words   |  7 Pagesachieve the American Dream, one must work hard and have the dedication to be successful. There are myths relating to this dream leaving lower class members to wonder if the dream exists for them. People in lower class are told if they want to be successful they must put in hard work and true effort. Once they do, they see that they are remaining in the same position they started in. In â€Å"Class of America-2012,† Gregory Mantsios states the ideas of class in the US and explains them. One myth addressedRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald94 7 Words   |  4 Pagessocial class superiority,happiness, etc. The main American Dreams that Fitzgerald writes about are love and money. He shows that through his character s hopes and dreams. For example, Gatsby’s dream of being with Daisy and Nick’s hope for becoming rich; even though to Fitzgerald they are only myths. The American Dreams are to find love and get rich, however Fitzgerald believes that The American Dream can not be achieved. One of the American Dreams that Fitzgerald talks about is love. â€Å"He knew thatRead MoreThe American Dream1424 Words   |  6 PagesThe idea of the American Dream can be first traced back to a book called The Epic of America by author James Truslow, where he states, â€Å"The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better, richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.† This idea of better opportunity really summarizes the goal of many early American immigrants as they traveled from faraway lands in hopes of a better future. Many would say this idea of prosperityRead More Myths of the American Dream Exposed in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman828 Words   |  4 PagesMyths of the American Dream Exposed in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman    Willy Loman, the lead character of Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, believes in the myths of the capitalistic society(DiYanni 412). This essay will examine the impact of the capitalistic myths on Willy Lowman.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Willy believes in the myth that popularity and physical appearance are the keys that unlock the door to the â€Å"American Dream†. We are first introduced to the importance of popularity and physical

Friday, December 13, 2019

Alcoholism final Free Essays

Generally, alcoholism is considered more as a habitual disorder rather than a disease. It is self initiated and mostly can be prevented or controlled. It is as a result of over dependency on the substance (Alcohol) which is by itself a drug. We will write a custom essay sample on Alcoholism final or any similar topic only for you Order Now Abuse of the substance consequently leads to Alcoholism. There are some symptoms surrounding alcoholism, which includes; a strong thirst and urge to per take the substance, withdrawal, shakiness of hands and in some cases the whole body, anxiety after stopping drinking. Once one has started the habit, it’s extremely difficult to stop, they in turn gain tolerance of the drink where one gradually increases the amount in order to feel the effect and get ‘high’. (Shebek J, Rindone JP. 2000) Addiction dependency In such cases, the body is accustomed to always having alcohol present which translates to you becoming a slave of the substance. Consequently, one experiences a strong urge for the drink and at this point alcohol has taken over your life where you become alcohol dependent. With time, it soon becomes the only thing you can think of and cannot do without. Surprisingly, people with alcohol dependency do not necessarily suffer liver diseases. This mostly is dependent on genes which vary from one individual to another. In some individuals, it is possible to drink heavily and die from liver diseases without ever developing alcohol dependency whereas in some they may develop alcohol dependency but do not have the liver diseases. (Goodwin, Donald W. 1988). Effects on body In the body, alcohol is quickly metabolized and absorbed by other nutrients. It is rapidly absorbed in the upper portion of the small intestine, where the alcohol laden blood then travels to the liver via the veins and capillaries of the digestive tract, which affects nearly every liver cell. Also, it affects every organ of the body though its most impact is upon the liver. Liver cells are forced to first metabolize the alcohol, letting the fatty acids accumulate. Alcohol metabolism permanently changes liver cell structure, which results to impairment of the liver’s ability to metabolize fats. This is basically the reason behind fatty livers in heavy drinkers. A liver clogged with fat causes liver cells to become less efficient which consequently impairs a person nutritional health. Alcohol displaces calories from needed nutrients and also interferes with the body’s metabolism of nutrients leading to damage of the liver, digestive system and nearly every bodily organ. Prohibition of alcohol can greatly reduce its consumption and subsequently bring down the crime related to alcohol which in turn can save many lives and society from the ordeals emanated from this. Though this is not an easy case, it calls for both the law enforcers and society to play part in it. (Cadoret, Remi J. , et. al. , December, 1986) Religious connection with alcohol where Jesus changed water into wine. Jesus changing water into wine was a manifest of his powers to demonstrate that he was capable and had the transforming power to change people from tasteless ordinary people to very important people who bring joy and happiness to others. He used Mary’s simple request and servants’ obedience to reveal his glory. His intention was to give Christians a life like that of a wedding feast which is only celebrated once in a life time. Alcohol consumption was not considered a daily event but a one time thing which was meant to bring happy and memorable feelings but nowadays, it’s not the case. It has been abused by many and some have made it a daily thing meant to solve personal issues like stress other than celebrating occasional and important events. (Agape miracle fellowship 2003). Jesus changed water into wine where wine was and still is considered a low alcohol drink which if it’s taken occasionally in the right quantity and manner cannot lead to alcoholism addiction and disorders. Stand of health sources pertaining alcoholism. Heath sources have a stand on this vice where they advice people to keep off from alcohol as alcoholism is perceived as a self induced disease which can be avoided or cured if at all the patient is willing to forfeit alcohol completely for his/her sake of healing. People are advised to keep off from alcohol because its repercussions are immense and damaging to ones health which is something that can easily be avoided. (Gallant . D, 1987) I can strongly advice victims to try their level best to quit alcohol and for those who haven’t started and are maybe considering it, to reverse their decision before it is too late to turn back. They can avoid the ‘I wish I knew’ slogan by avoiding the ‘one sip’ thing is what leads to a bottle which later grows into bottles and before long one is already an alcoholic, a very difficult situation to turn back from. Governments should strongly play their roles of enforcing laws which will regulate the sale of alcohol, for instance they can raise taxes on alcoholic products to make it difficult for purchasers to ‘enjoy’ it daily. Also, it can consider burning importation of this cheap alcohol drinks which are pocket friendly and encourage daily consumption. References. Cadoret, Remi J. , et. al. , (December, 1986) â€Å"An Adoption Study of Genetic and Environmental Factors in Drug Abuse. † Archives of General Psychiatry. 43: 1131-1136. Gallant . D, (1987), Alcoholism: A Guide to Diagnosis, Intervention, and Treatment . Colombia. Colombia University press. Goodwin, Donald W. (1988). Is Alcoholism Hereditary? New York: Ballantine Books, 2nd Ed. Shebek J, Rindone JP. (2000) â€Å"A Pilot Study Exploring the Effect of Kudzu Root on the Drinking Habits of Patients with Chronic Alcoholism. † J Altern Complement Med. 6, 1:45-8. Agapemiraclefellowship. (2003). miracle at marriage. www. agapeindia. com /miracle_03. . How to cite Alcoholism final, Papers