Thursday, February 27, 2020

YUManagers today must be able to manage change so that an organisation Essay

YUManagers today must be able to manage change so that an organisation can respond to the influences from external environments. Critically analyse this - Essay Example In this paper, reasons and factors associated with organizational change will be discussed in order to evaluate the manager’s role in administrating and implementing such organizational changes. As the society continues to change and evolve their demand, there is always need for variety of products and services, organization should be flexible enough, as they have to stay competitive. The businesses which survive for a long time and earn profits are the ones who accept the changes as they exist. There are two types of changes that occur in an organization that is planned and unplanned. Planned changes mean that an organization is bringing change deliberately by taking decisions, while, unplanned change is due to some unforeseen factors which can take place any time without informing. There are two factors which force organization to revaluate their operations, they are internal and external. Internal and external factors both can cause these changes (Oreg, Michel, and By, 2013). According to Smith (2013), Globalization affects organization as there are companies which operate in different country and each organization has their own culture which is because an organization cannot make a standard rules for every branch. Managers have to adapt a different culture when they are transferred to other branch and they should be flexible enough to do it. Entrance of a new competitor in the market brings lot of change as now organization becomes more serious about their product sales because they are in constant fear that their market will finish if competitor gets the market demand. So, the existing company try to change their work culture to stay dynamic (Cummings and Worley, 2014). A change in workforce diversity also brings change to a company. Previously, only men use to work in some company but now, women also work which changes the environment as the culture becomes more ethical and decent. Now a

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Speech 101 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Speech 101 - Essay Example It is normal that when people interact, they give and receive wordless signals. The gestures people make during communication send or portray strong messages. What people talk by word of mouth is distinct from what gestures portray. Therefore, the speaker needs to understand that vocal and physical speech is very significant in sending the message to the audiences. The use of physical signs or nonverbal communication has the ability to demonstrate our feelings, thoughts, and can emphasize on our points (Dozier 32). During speech delivery, the speaker needs to make use emblems of emblems since they enable him or her to translate the information to the audience who does not understand the language. It is important to note that emblem is related to sign language than daily body language. For instance, sometime when speaking about Greece mythology, the speaker could hold his or her arm with all fingers sealed in, apart from the second and index fingers, which are wide apart, may signify victory or harmony of the ancient Greeks. Additionally, the speaker needs to use a gesture called illustrator or iconic gesture, when complementing a Greek heroes such as Aristotle and Plato for what they did especially in the field of philosophy and politics. When presenting a speech about Greece, the speaker needs to deliver clear information or messages that are matching both in verbal and nonverbal dimension. They have organized ideas or thoughts, pay attention to what he or she want to say and ensure that they win the attention of the audience. It is important for the speaker to focus on public speaking because he or she will be delivering a message to many people. Therefore, the speech will be organized on five aspects, speaker, speech, occasion, audience, and effect (Dozier 46). The speaker should build a suitable speech for distinct audience on distinct occasion or time and for distinct